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The importance of a code of conduct desirable behaviour and integrity for confidants

A good code of conduct can contribute to a safe working environment where employees feel supported and undesirable behaviour is not tolerated. Such a code of conduct provides the organisation, management and supervisors with tools to properly assist employees if undesirable behaviour or integrity issues do arise. Below we discuss the main aspects of a good code of conduct desirable behaviour and integrity and how to draft such a code of conduct.

The importance of a good code of conduct desirable behaviour and integrity

A good code of conduct desirable behaviour and integrity can contribute to the prevention of undesirable behaviour by setting clear rules of conduct and norms and values within the organisation. Moreover, a code of conduct provides clarity on the role and responsibilities of a confidential advisor, the procedures for reporting integrity issues and handling complaints of sexual harassment, and the confidentiality and privacy of the reporter.

Steps to establish a code of conduct desirable behaviour and integrity

Creating a code of conduct for desirable behaviour and integrity can be a challenging task, but it can be worth investing in. Here are some steps you can take to establish a code of conduct:

  1. Identify which topics, values and procedures should be included in the code of conduct.
  2. Determine who is responsible for drafting the code of conduct and who should be involved in the process.
  3. Prepare a draft code of conduct and submit it to stakeholders for feedback.
  4. Update the code of conduct based on the feedback and get approval from all parties involved.
  5. Ensure that the code of conduct is regularly reviewed and updated if necessary.

What should a good code of conduct include desirable behaviour and integrity?

A good code of conduct for desired manners and integrity includes:

  • A clear definition of the different forms of undesirable behaviour, such as sexual harassment, intimidation, discrimination, aggression and bullying
  • A clear definition of the organisation’s norms and values and rules
    A description of what is considered desirable behaviour by the organisation and employees.
  • The confidant as well as a description of the purpose and function of the confidant.
  • The duties and responsibilities of the trustee. This may include, for example, the confidential counsellor conducting confidential discussions with employees, supporting employees in the complaints procedure or reporting scheme and contributing to the prevention of undesirable behaviour by, for example, providing information to employees and management.
    A description of the confidentiality and privacy of the reporter. It is important that employees can be confident that their confidential information is handled securely and that their privacy is respected.
  • A clear description of the complaints procedure and reporting scheme. This may describe how employees can file a complaint, who handles the complaint and how the confidential advisor supports the employee during the process. The code of conduct may also describe the maximum length of time a complaint can be dealt with. The same applies to the reporting procedure; how can an employee report an integrity issue, who handles it and how long does this take, and how can the confidential advisor support the employee in this process and what can and cannot remain confidential.
  • A description of options for additional or external support. This could include a social worker (complaints officer, psychologist, occupational health physician, company social worker, lawyer, police etc).


A trustee code of conduct can help create a safe working environment for employees, prevent legal problems and improve the organisation’s culture and image. However, drafting a good code of conduct desired manners and integrity can be challenging and requires commitment and cooperation from both employer and employees.

Partners in Vertrouwen can help your organisation draw up a code of conduct desired manners and integrity.

Want to know more? Then get in touch with us!

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