LVV registered

December 17, 2023 is approaching! Reporting scheme mandatory.

As an employer, do you already have an internal and possibly an external reporting scheme for integrity issues which is mandatory under the Whistleblowers Protection Act?

On 18 February 2023, the Whistleblowers Protection Act (WBK) came into force. The WBK aims to protect employees who report (suspected) wrongdoing in the workplace. Employers with 50 to 249 employees must adapt or set up their internal reporting arrangements by 17 December 2023. Employers with 250 or more employees should have already done so by 18 February 2023.

If an employer has not implemented a whistleblowing policy, the House of Whistleblowers can impose an administrative fine or an order under penalty. In addition, the works council, staff representatives or any interested employee can apply to the subdistrict court, requesting that the employer comply with the obligations under the WBK.

Do you not yet have an internal and, possibly, external reporting scheme? Partners in Vertrouwen is happy to help. We can draw up an internal or external reporting scheme for you, provide external confidential counsellors, so that you meet your obligations under the WBK. For more information, contact Judith Gerritsen of Partners in Vertrouwen.

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