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External Confidential Advisor

After gaining extensive experience in various government roles and the corporate sector, I've chosen to follow my passion and dedicate myself to creating a secure work environment within businesses and organisations. My commitment to employee well-being and support in optimising a healthy work environment defines me as an engaged, constructive, and optimistic individual.


In our line of work, listening is paramount. The narrative of a reporter or complainant takes center stage during a conversation. My role involves providing a sympathetic ear while also assessing and analyzing their needs. This enables me to suggest relevant possible next steps and discuss them collaboratively.


How can we proactively prevent inappropriate behaviour and integrity violations? That's one of the crucial questions a confidential advisor consistently asks, as prevention is always better than cure. Among the goals of a confidential advisor is breaking entrenched negative patterns and fostering a culture where everyone is seen and heard.


A key tool to prevent inappropriate behaviour is providing education through training sessions and workshops. In my sessions, I ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable at all times, fostering an open, educational, and interactive dialogue.

To systematically optimize the corporate culture, occasional policy adjustments may be necessary.


As a confidential advisor, it's crucial to provide organisational advice based on trends. I enjoy utilising my governance and policy expertise to support your organisation with guidance and action

Tristam de Rooij Partners in Vertrouwen, externe vertrouwenspersoon inhuren
Partners in Vertrouwen werkt alleen met LVV geregistreerde externe vertrouwenspersonen
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