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Founders Partners in Vertrouwen, Judith Gerritsen en Maureen Meeng. Extern vertrouwenspersoon inhuren.

Partners in Vertrouwen / Partners in Confidentiality

Your External Confidential Advisors in Utrecht

Would you like to ensure that your organisation upholds the desired code of conduct and maintains integrity in the best possible way? 

Find here your external confidential advisor for workplace integrity and inappropriate behaviour

Do organisations need an internal of external confidential advisor?

It is anticipated that having a confidential advisor may soon become mandatory for all organisations in The Netherlands, as this bill is currently being discussed in the House of Representatives. The Inspectorate of Social Affairs and Employment already verifies whether an organisation has a well-trained confidential advisor.

A confidential advisor handles a wide range of issues, including inappropriate behaviours such as (sexual) harassment, aggression, bullying, and discrimination, as well as integrity concerns like fraud, theft, misuse of company resources, undesired side activities, or abuse of power. For smaller organisations, it can be challenging to have their own internal confidential advisor. In such cases, an external confidential advisor can be a viable solution. However, even larger organisations often opt for an external confidential advisor, either in conjunction with an internal confidential advisor or as a standalone resource. An external confidential advisor can support an internal confidential advisor and provide an independent avenue for employees to report or discuss matters.

Why choose a Confidential Advisor in Utrecht from  Partners in Vertrouwen?

  • We believe that prevention is the best approach, and therefore prioritize preventive measures as our primary strategy.


  • We are independent and objective, with no vested interests or relationships with your employees. This makes it easier for employees to approach an External Confidential Advisor when confronted with inappropriate behaviour from a colleague or suspect integrity violations.


  • We provide analysis and advice on how desired conduct and integrity can be incorporated into your code of conduct and integrity policy, as well as your existing reporting and complaint procedures, and assess them against regulations. 


  • We are accountable to management by providing a fully anonymized annual report with analysis of findings and recommendations. 


  • Our team includes mediators with years of mediation experience who can provide not only mediation services but can also facilitate conversations. 


  • We are willing to support your internal Confidential Advisors by providing them with a sounding board.


  • We offer replacement during vacations and sick leaves. 


  • We allow ourselves to be evaluated anonymously by your own employees, providing you with feedback on the appreciation of our performance.


  • Our Confidential Advisors in Utrecht have a legal and business background with extensive experience in small and large (international) organisations, both in the commercial and non-profit sectors. 


  • Our Confidential Advisors in Utrecht are solution-oriented within the scope of the Confidential Advisor profession.


  • Our Confidential Advisors in Utrecht are LVV certified and can communicate in both Dutch and English.

The Confidential Advisor fulfils three main tasks:


The first task: to provide support to victims of inappropriate behaviour or potential reporters of integrity issues by actively listening to their story and collaboratively finding appropriate solutions for the situation, so that they can function safely and healthily once again;

The second task: to provide information and education to employees and managers about inappropriate behaviour and integrity issues, with an emphasis on prevention, how to handle such issues if they arise, and the role of the confidential advisor in such situations;

The third task: to offer requested and unsolicited advice to management on both areas, drawing on their expertise and experience.


By having a confidential advisor in place, your organisation can create a safer workplace, resulting in cost savings and an improved work environment for your employees.

The External Confidential Advisor in Utrecht of Partners in Vertrouwen ensures that:

  • Your organisation meets the legal obligation of providing a safe working environment.

  • Emphasis is placed on education and prevention.

  • Your employees can discuss inappropriate behaviour or integrity concerns in confidence.

  • Problems can be addressed promptly, leading to an improved work environment.

  • Sick leave can be reduced.

  • Areas for improvement within your organisation can be identified.


Together, we work towards creating a pleasant and safe work environment, leading to lower costs, higher productivity, and improved flexibility.

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